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  • Writer's picturealfietrobinson

Summer into Fall

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.” -J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

September, the month most of us dread throughout the summer but also love once it comes around. The start of the new academic year with it brings for many the beginning of a new chapter, new home and new unknown surroundings. The few days at the start of September usually allow us time to look back summer, remembering all the adventurous sights we managed to witness. For me my summer was full of firsts and cherished memories, I also left my job somewhat abruptly forcing me into that unknown. Three pleasant long weeks back in Canada catching up with friends, having drinks sandwiched between exciting breathtaking hikes. But from the love of a holiday into the seriousness of a new chapter, for this September will see me return to the grind of learning after a brief four year gap.

Starting my degree in Media & Communications at Goldsmiths University London, I will hopefully succeed in opening many new doors upon my life. Helping me better my future while also succeeding in creating a bigger impact on those around me. So as the birds begin to negotiate their migration I also will be entering this 4 year period of migration, a migration for which will bring me more wisdom helping me play a more vital part in society.

Whether you are returning to your normal daily routine or embarking on your own exciting chapter, remember that ultimately each action you take is an action that will benefit yourself, even if it does not seem it at first, some way down the line you will look back on that decision, holding it as your own. Just as the fog rolls in on an autumn’s night it will eventually again disperse, don’t let that fog hold you down as when it disperses it will leave you with a fresh new sight.

“Know that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall.”


Since my summer blogging of my time in Canada my writing got picked up by the team at My Trending Stories, a site that aims to give the freedom back to writers allowing them to cover any topic unjudged, bringing together with it a whole diverse group of writers from around the world. You can follow and keep up to date with some of my blog posts on MTS by clicking here.

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